Biología de las Gametas (GametoLab)


  • Reproduction



    Comparison of clinical artificial oocyte activation protocols on mouse egg activation and embryo development

    Lucas N GonzálezValeria SulzykPatricia S CuasnicúDébora J Cohen

  • 01/01/2025

    Reproductive toxicology

    Could probiotics be used as a novel therapeutic approach to alleviate the reproductive and neurobehavioral side effects of sertraline? A study in male mice

    Ana Flávia Quiarato LozanoIsabella Cena GuimarãesLucas Nicolás GonzálezPatricia Sara CuasnicuDébora Juana CohenWilma De Grava Kempinas

  • 01/12/2024

    Molecular aspects of medicine

    Physiological and pathological aspects of epididymal sperm maturation

    Mariana Weigel MuñozDébora J CohenVanina G Da RosSoledad N GonzálezAbril Rebagliati CidValeria SulzykPatricia S Cuasnicu

  • 16/10/2024


    Extracellular Vesicles Contribute to Oxidized LDL-Induced Stromal Cell Proliferation in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Franco F Roldán GallardoDaniel E Martínez PiñerezKevin F Reinarz TorradoGabriela A BergJael D HerzfeldVanina G Da Ros, Manuel López SeoaneCristina A MaldonadoAmado A Quintar

  • 21/06/2024

    Scientific reports

    A side-by-side comparison of different capacitation media in developing mouse sperm fertilizing ability

    Lucas N GonzálezMaría M GiaccagliJael D HerzfeldPatricia S CuasnicúVanina G Da RosDébora J Cohen

  • 01/05/2024

    Frontiers in cell and developmental biology

    Editorial: In celebration of women in molecular and cellular reproduction

    Vanina Gabriela Da RosDolores BussoPatricia S Cuasnicú

  • 15/09/2023

    Molecular and cellular endocrinology

    Beneficial effects of metformin on mice female fertility after a high-fat diet intake

    Candela Velazquez, Yamila Herrero, María Silvia Bianchi, Débora Juana Cohen, Patricia Cuasnicu, Katherine Prost, Rocío Marinoni, Natalia Pascuali, Fernanda Parborell, Dalhia Abramovich

  • 15/05/2023

    Frontiers in cell and developmental biology

    Ether lipids and a peroxisomal riddle in sperm

    Mayrene Horta Remedios, Weisheng Liang, Lucas N González, Victoria Li, Vanina G Da Ros, Débora J Cohen, Vanina Zaremberg

  • Frontiers in Oncology


    Frontiers in cell and developmental biology

    Editorial: Metabolic regulation of gamete function in health and disease

    Débora J Cohen, Vanina G Da Ros, Nicolas G Brukman, Farners Amargant

  • Platelets


    European journal of contraception and reproductive health ca

    Effect of ulipristal acetate on gene expression profile in endometrial cells in culture and in vivo upon post-ovulatory administration in fertile women

    Maripaz Jiménez Guerrero, Mariana Fava, Luiz F Baccaro, Adriana M Caille, Patricia S Cuasnicú, José A Horcajadas, Débora J Cohen, Luis Bahamondes, David Cotán, María José Munuce