Receptores Nucleares


  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta


    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta

    Differential regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor nucleocytoplasmic shuttling by TPR-domain proteins

    Gisela I Mazaira, Pablo C Echeverría, Sol M Ciucci, Martin Monte, Luciana I Gallo, Alejandra G Erlejman, Mario D Galigniana

  • Journal of Cell Science


    Journal of Cell Science

    Cyclophilin A is a mitochondrial factor that forms complexes with p23. Correlative evidence for an antiapoptotic action

    Cristina Daneri-Becerra, Brenda Valeiras, Luciana I Gallo, Mariana Lagadari, Mario D Galigniana

  • Current Drug Targets


    Current Drug Targets

    Role of Mitochondrial Heat-shock Proteins and Immunophilins in Neuro degenerative Diseases

    Cristina Daneri-Becerra, Sol M Ciucci, Gisela Mazaira, Mario D Galigniana

  • Oncology reports


    Oncology reports

    Beige adipocytes contribute to breast cancer progression

    Mariana Gantov, Priscila Pagnotta, Cecilia Lotufo, Gustavo Marcelo Rindone, Maria Fernanda Riera, Juan Carlos Calvo, Judith Toneatto

  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta


    Biochemical Pharmacology

    Proof that the high molecular weight immunophilin FKBP52 mediates the in vivo neuroregenerative effect of the macrolide FK506

    Cristina Daneri-Becerra, Michelle G Patiño-Gaillez, Mario D Galigniana

  • Journal of Cell Science



    Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerase Activity of Immunophilins Could Be the Mere Consequence of Protein Complex Organization

    Mario D Galigniana

  • Journal of Cell Science


    Journal of Cell Science

    Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Is Influenced by Tetratricopeptide Repeat-Containing Proteins

    Gisela I Mazaira, Pablo C Echeverria, Mario D Galigniana

  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta


    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta

    Oxidative stress induces transcription of telomeric repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) by engaging PKA signaling and cytoskeleton dynamics

    Galigniana NM, Charó NL, Uranga R, Cabanillas AM, Piwien-Pilipuk G.

  • Journal of neurochemistry


    Journal of neurochemistry

    Construction and reconstruction of brain circuits: normal and pathological axon guidance

    Roig-Puiggros S, Vigouroux RJ, Beckman D, Bocai NI, Chiou B, Davimes J, Gomez G, Grassi S, Hoque A, Karikari TK, Kiffer F, Lopez M, Lunghi G, Mazengenya P, Meier S, Olguín-Albuerne M, Oliveira MM, Paraíso-Luna J, Pradhan J, Radiske A, Ramos-Hryb AB, Ribeiro MC, Schellino R, Selles MC, Singh S, Theotokis P, Chédotal A.

  • Biochemical Journal


    Biochemical Society Transactions

    Regulation of FKBP51 and FKBP52 functions by post-translational modifications

    Daneri-Becerra C, Zgajnar NR, Lotufo CM, Ramos Hryb AB, Piwien-Pilipuk G, Galigniana MD.