Publicaciones Científicas

  • 01/03/2022

    Neural Regeneration Research

    The Hsp90-binding immunophilin FKBP52 enhances neurodifferentiation and neuroregeneration in murine models

    Cristina Daneri-Becerra, Mario D Galigniana

  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta


    Food and Chemical Toxicology

    Endocrine disruptor hexachlorobenzene induces cell migration and invasion, and enhances aromatase expression levels in human endometrial stromal cells

    Florencia Chiappini, Leandro Ceballos, Carla Olivares, Juan Ignacio Bastón, Noelia Miret, Carolina Pontillo, Lorena Zárate, José Javier Singla, Mariana Farina, Gabriela Meresman, Andrea Randi

  • Aging (Albany NY)


    Aging (Albany NY)

    Binding of the angiogenic/senescence inducer CCN1/CYR61 to integrin ? 6 ? 1 drives endocrine resistance in breast cancer cells

    Ingrid Espinoza, Lin Yang, Travis Vander Steen, Luciano Vellon, Elisabet Cuyàs, Sara Verdura, Lester Lau, Javier A Menendez, Ruth Lupu

  • Sub-cellular biochemistry


    Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics

    Paternal alcohol consumption has intergenerational consequences in male offspring

    Maite Yael Cambiasso, Lucila Gotfryd, Marcelo Gabriel Stinson, Sol Birolo, Gabriela Salamone, Marina Romanato, Juan Carlos Calvo, Vanina Andrea Fontana

  • 01/02/2022


    New insights in the interaction of FGF/FGFR and steroid receptor signaling in breast cancer

    Cecilia Pérez Piñero, Sebastián Giulianelli, Caroline A Lamb, Claudia Lanari

  • 28/01/2022

    Nature communications

    Host receptor-targeted therapeutic approach to counter pathogenic New World mammarenavirus infections

    Brady T Hickerson, Tracy R Daniels-Wells, Cristian Payes, Lars E Clark, Pierre V Candelaria, Kevin W Bailey, Eric J Sefing, Samantha Zink, James Ziegenbein, Jonathan Abraham, Gustavo Helguera, Manuel L Penichet, Brian B Gowen

  • Reproductive biology and endocrinology


    Reproductive biology and endocrinology

    Interplay between nitric oxide and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone in the neuromodulation of the corpus luteum during late pregnancy in the rat

    Sandra Vallcaneras, Laura Morales, María Belén Delsouc, Darío Ramirez, Verónica Filippa, Marina Fernández, Carlos M Telleria, Marilina Casais

  • 24/01/2022

    Cell Death and Disease

    Galectin-1 confers resistance to doxorubicin in hepatocellular carcinoma cells through modulation of P-glycoprotein expression

    Pablo Carabias, María V Espelt, María L Bacigalupo, Paola Rojas, Luciana Sarrias, Ayelén Rubin, Nicolás A Saffioti, María T Elola, Juan P Rossi, Carlota Wolfenstein-Todel, Gabriel A Rabinovich, María F Troncoso

  • Journal of Neuroendocrinology


    Journal of Neuroendocrinology

    Tibolone restrains neuroinflammation in mouse experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

    Dalila N J Mancino, Analia Lima, Paulina Roig, Luis M García Segura, Alejandro F De Nicola, Laura I Garay

  • Sub-cellular biochemistry


    Cellular and molecular neurobiology

    Spinal Cord Injury Leads to Hippocampal Glial Alterations and Neural Stem Cell Inactivation

    Ignacio Jure, Alejandro F De Nicola, Juan Manuel Encinas, Florencia Labombarda