Publicaciones Científicas

  • Oncology reports


    Oncology reports

    Identification of early stage recurrence endometrial cancer biomarkers using bioinformatics tools

    María José Besso, Luciana Montivero, Ezequiel Lacunza, María Cecilia Argibay, Martín Abba, Laura Inés Furlong, Eva Colas, Antonio Gil-Moreno, Jaume Reventos, Ricardo Bello, Mónica Hebe Vazquez-Levin

  • Haematologica



    Expression and function of cathelicidin hCAP18/LL-37 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    Podaza E, Palacios F, Croci DO, Risnik D, Yan XJ, Almejún MB, Colado A, Elías EE, Borge M, Morande PE, Bezares R, Fernández-Grecco H, Rabinovich GA, Gamberale R, Chiorazzi N, Giordano M.

  • Food & function


    Organic & biomolecular chemistry

    Synthesis of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylallosamine resorcinarene-based multivalent ?-thio-glycoclusters: unexpected affinity of N-acetylallosamine ligands towards Wheat Germ Agglutinin

    Alejandro E Cristófalo, Alejandro J Cagnoni, María Laura Uhrig

  • Support Care Cancer


    Support Care Cancer

    Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) 2020 clinical practice recommendations for the management of immune checkpoint inhibitor endocrinopathies and the role of advanced practice providers in the management of immune-mediated

    Tim Cooksley, Monica Girotra, Pamela Ginex, Ruth Ann Gordon, Ronald Anderson, Ada Blidner, Jennifer Choi, Michael Dougan, Ilya Glezerman, Dipti Gupta, Douglas Johnson, Vickie R Shannon, Maria Suarez-Almazor, Bernardo L Rapoport

  • Support Care Cancer


    Support Care Cancer

    Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) 2020 clinical practice recommendations for the management of immune-mediated cardiovascular, rheumatic, and renal toxicities from checkpoint inhibitors

    Maria E Suarez-Almazor, Xerxes Pundole, Noha Abdel-Wahab, Douglas B Johnson, Dipti Gupta, Ilya Glezerman, Tim Cooksley, Ronald Anderson, Ada Blidner, Jennifer Choi, Michael Dougan, Pamela Ginex, Monica Girotra, Vickie R Shannon, Bernardo L Rapoport

  • Support Care Cancer


    Support Care Cancer

    Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) 2020 clinical practice recommendations for the management of severe dermatological toxicities from checkpoint inhibitors

    Jennifer Choi, Ronald Anderson, Ada Blidner, Tim Cooksley, Michael Dougan, Ilya Glezerman, Pamela Ginex, Monica Girotra, Dipti Gupta, Douglas Johnson, Vickie R Shannon, Maria Suarez-Almazor, Bernardo L Rapoport, Mario E Lacouture

  • Support Care Cancer


    Support Care Cancer

    Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) 2020 clinical practice recommendations for the management of severe gastrointestinal and hepatic toxicities from checkpoint inhibitors

    Michael Dougan, Ada G Blidner, Jennifer Choi, Tim Cooksley, Ilya Glezerman, Pamela Ginex, Monica Girotra, Dipti Gupta, Douglas Johnson, Vickie R Shannon, Maria Suarez-Almazor, Ronald Anderson, Bernardo L Rapoport

  • Cells



    Hormone-Independent Mouse Mammary Adenocarcinomas with Different Metastatic Potential Exhibit Different Metabolic Signatures

    Daniela Bispo, Victoria Fabris, Caroline A Lamb, Claudia Lanari, Luisa A Helguero, Ana M Gil

  • 26/08/2020

    Scientific Reports

    Multidrug transporter MRP4/ABCC4 as a key determinant of pancreatic cancer aggressiveness

    A Sahores, A Carozzo, M May, N Gómez, N Di Siervi, M De Sousa Serro, A Yaneff, A Rodríguez-González, M Abba, C Shayo, C Davio

  • Molecular Human Reproduction


    Molecular Human Reproduction

    Platelet-derived Growth Factor B Restores Vascular Barrier Integrity and Diminishes Permeability in Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

    Natalia Pascuali, Leopoldina Scotti, Gonzalo Oubiña, Ignacio de Zúñiga, Gomez Peña, Carlos Pomilio, Flavia Saravia, Marta Tesone, Dalhia Abramovich, Fernanda Parborell