Publicaciones Científicas
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
Human breast adipose tissue: characterization of factors that change during tumor progression in human breast cancer
Fletcher SJ, Sacca PA, Pistone-Creydt M, Coló FA, Serra MF, Santino FE, Sasso CV, Lopez-Fontana CM, Carón RW, Calvo JC, Pistone-Creydt V.
Clinical Cancer Research
TNFα-Induced Mucin 4 Expression Elicits Trastuzumab Resistance in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer (Seleccionado como Cover Image y Highlight)
Mercogliano MF, De Martino M, Venturutti L, Rivas MA, Proietti CJ, Inurrigarro G, Frahm I, Allemand DH, Deza EG, Ares S, Gercovich FG, Guzmán P, Roa JC, Elizalde PV, Schillaci R.