

  • Sub-cellular biochemistry


    Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology

    Immune-Mediated and Hypoxia-Regulated Programs: Accomplices in Resistance to Anti-angiogenic Therapies

    Croci DO, Mendez-Huergo SP, Cerliani JP, Rabinovich GA.

  • 07/12/2017

    Cell Death and Disease

    Proteomic and functional analysis identifies galectin-1 as a novel regulatory component of the cytotoxic granule machinery

    Clemente T, Vieira NJ, Cerliani JP, Adrain C, Luthi A, Dominguez MR, Yon M, Barrence FC, Riul TB, Cummings RD, Zorn TM, Amigorena S, Dias-Baruffi M, Rodrigues MM, Martin SJ, Rabinovich GA, Amarante-Mendes GP.

  • Journal of Immunology


    Journal of Immunology

    Galectin-1: A Jack-of-All-Trades in the Resolution of Acute and Chronic Inflammation

    Sundblad V, Morosi LG, Geffner JR, Rabinovich GA.

  • European journal of gastroenterology and hepatology



    Predictive value of galectin-1 in the development and progression of HIV-associated lymphoma

    Vase MØ, Ludvigsen M, Bendix K, Dutoit SH, Hjortebjerg R, Petruskevicius I, Møller MB, Pedersen G, Denton PW, Honoré B, Rabinovich GA, Larsen CS, d’Amore F.

  • 01/09/2017

    Clinical Cancer Research

    In vivo hemin conditioning targets the vascular and immunological compartments and restrains prostate tumor development (Seleccionado como Highlight)

    Jaworski FM, Gentilini L, Gueron G, Meiss RP, Ortiz EG, Berguer PM, Ahmed A, Navone NM, Rabinovich GA, Compagno D, Laderach DJ, Vazquez ES.

  • Journal of Cellular Physiology


    Journal of Cellular Physiology

    Essential Role of CFTR in PKA-Dependent Phosphorylation, Alkalinization, and Hyperpolarization During Human Sperm Capacitation

    Puga Molina LC, Pinto NA, Torres Rodríguez P, Romarowski A, Vicens Sanchez A, Visconti PE, Darszon A, Treviño CL, Buffone MG.

  • Aging (Albany NY)



    Galectin-1 expression imprints a neurovascular phenotype in proliferative retinopathies and delineates responses to anti-VEGF

    Ridano ME, Subirada PV, Paz MC, Lorenc VE, Stupirski JC, Gramajo AL, Luna JD, Croci DO, Rabinovich GA, Sánchez MC.

  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta


    Current Opinion in Immunology

    Galectins: emerging regulatory checkpoints linking tumor immunity and angiogenesis.

    Méndez-Huergo SP, Blidner AG, Rabinovich GA

  • Trends in Biochemical Sciences


    Trends in Biochemical Sciences

    Translating the ‘Sugar Code’ into Immune and Vascular Signaling Programs (Seleccionado como Feature Article)

    Cerliani JP, Blidner AG, Toscano MA, Croci DO, Rabinovich GA.

  • Reproductive biology and endocrinology


    BMC Immunology

    Association between IL-17 and IgA in the joints of patients with inflammatory arthropathies

    Eliçabe RJ, Silva JE, Dave MN, Lacoste MG, Tamashiro H, Blas R, Munarriz A, Rabinovich GA, Di Genaro MS.