Members of the Buffone laboratory participated in the workshop “Fluorescence Nanoscopy in Bioimaging: Argentine Hands-on Workshop” held on August 8 and 9 at the Institute of Biology and Experimental Medicine (IBYME) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dr. Mariano Buffone, Dr. Ana Romarowski and Dr. Clara I. Marín-Briggiler were part of the organizing committee, collaborating with other specialists in the field of microscopy to make this event possible.

The workshop included the participation of students from all over the country, including our PhD students Lucila Gómez Olivieri, Pilar Ameijeiras and Luna Magrotti Messa, who attended to expand their knowledge in advanced microscopy. The course was funded by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, with the aim of expanding and promoting the growth of microscopy in Latin America.