Behavioral Biology

Lab publications

  • Frontiers in Oncology


    Frontiers in psychology

    Perceived Concerns and Psychological Distress of Healthcare Workers Facing Three Early Stages of COVID-19 Pandemic

    María Cristina Richaud, Leandro Eidman, Jael Vargas Rubilar, Viviana Lemos, Belén Mesurado, María Carolina Klos, Marisa Rodriguez de Behrends, Rubén N Muzio

  • Human reproduction open


    Brain: a journal of neurology

    Tau mis-splicing correlates with motor impairments and striatal dysfunction in a model of tauopathy

    Ana Damianich, Carolina Lucia Facal, Javier Andrés Muñiz, Camilo Mininni, Mariano Soiza-Reilly, Magdalena Ponce De León, Leandro Urrutia, German Falasco, Juan Esteban Ferrario, María Elena Avale

  • 06/07/2021

    Scientific Reports

    Information capacity and robustness of encoding in the medial prefrontal cortex are modulated by the bioavailability of serotonin and the time elapsed from the cue during a reward-driven task

    A Ezequiel Pereyra, Camilo J Mininni, B Silvano Zanutto

  • Consciousness and cognition


    Consciousness and cognition

    Faster might not be better: Pictures may not elicit a stronger unconscious priming effect than words when modulated by semantic similarity

    Nicolás Marcelo Bruno, Iair Embon, Mariano Nicolás Díaz Rivera, Leandro Giménez, Tomás Ariel D’Amelio, Santiago Torres Batán, Juan Francisco Guarracino, Alberto Andrés Iorio, Jorge Mario Andreau

  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta


    Behavioural brain research

    Serotonergic modulation of basolateral amygdala nucleus in the extinction of reward-driven learning: The role of 5-HT bioavailability and 5-HT 1A receptor

    A Ezequiel Pereyra, Camilo J Mininni, B Silvano Zanutto

  • 15/02/2021

    Scientific Reports

    Probing the structure-function relationship with neural networks constructed by solving a system of linear equations

    Camilo J Mininni, B Silvano Zanutto

  • Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society


    Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society

    A Review of the Critics of Invasion Biology

    Marcelo H Cassini

  • Frontiers in Oncology


    Frontiers in neural circuits

    A Computational Theory for the Emergence of Grammatical Categories in Cortical Dynamics

    Dario Dematties, Silvio Rizzi, George K Thiruvathukal, Mauricio David Pérez, Alejandro Wainselboim, B Silvano Zanutto

  • Sub-cellular biochemistry


    Animal Cognition

    On the transfer of spatial learning between geometrically different shaped environments in the terrestrial toad, Rhinella arenarum

    Sotelo MI, Alcalá JA, Bingman VP, Muzio RN.

  • 27/12/2019

    Scientific Reports

    Seizure localization using pre ictal phase-amplitude coupling in intracranial electroencephalography

    Cámpora NE, Mininni CJ, Kochen S, Lew SE.