Hormonal regulation in Reproduction

Our group is interested in genomics, molecular and cellular biology. aragüeta’s group is among the first to combine genomic panel approaches to discover enhancers regulated by progesterone in human endometrial cells (La Greca et al., e-life 2022). We participated in the creation of the Bank of Genetic Resources of native and endangered species in South America, more recently, in the sequencing of the genome of the yaguareté (Panthera onca). We also contribute to DNAZoo project to know 3D genome organization of threatened species across the tree of life. We are also involved in dissemination projects and in the intersection of art and science, participating in public institutional and individual projects.
Research area laboratories
Dra. María Silvia Bianchi
Proteoglycan and Extracellular Matrix Chemistry
Dr. Juan Carlos Calvo
Hormonal Physiology and Pathology
Dra. Graciela Susana Diaz-Torga
Nuclear Receptors
Dr. Mario D. Galigniana
Nociception and Neuropathic Pain
Dra. Susana Laura González
Hormonal Carcinogenesis
Dra. Claudia Lanari
Testicular Physiology
Dra. María Eugenia Matzkin
Endometrial Pathophysiology
Dra. Gabriela Meresman
Studies of the Physiopathology of the Ovary
Dra. María Fernanda Parborell
Nuclear Architecture
Dra. Graciela Piwien Pilipuk
Hormonal regulation in Reproduction
Dra. Patricia Saragüeta
Tumor Immunology
Dra. Roxana Schillaci