Lab publications
Molecular neurobiology
Early Exposure to a High-Fat Diet Impacts on Hippocampal Plasticity: Implication of Microglia-Derived Exosome-like Extracellular Vesicles
Vinuesa A, Bentivegna M, Calfa G, Filipello F, Pomilio C, Bonaventura MM, Lux-Lantos V, Matzkin ME, Gregosa A, Presa J, Matteoli M, Beauquis J, Saravia F.
General and comparative endocrinology
Pituitary estrogen receptor alpha is involved in luteinizing hormone pulsatility at mid-gestation in the South American plains vizcacha, Lagostomus maximus (Rodentia, Caviomorpha)
Proietto S, Yankelevich L, Villarreal FM, Inserra PIF, Charif SE, Schmidt AR, Cortasa SA, Corso MC, Di Giorgio NP, Lux-Lantos V, Vitullo AD, Halperin J, Dorfman VB.
Physiological Reports
Local production of neurostradiol affects gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion at mid-gestation in Lagostomus maximus (Rodentia, Caviomorpha)
Charif SE, Inserra PIF, Schmidt AR, Di Giorgio NP, Cortasa SA, Gonzalez CR, Lux-Lantos V, Halperin J, Vitullo AD, Dorfman VB.
Journal of the Endocrine Society
Astrocyte-Specific Deletion of Peroxisome-Proliferator Activated Receptor- γ Impairs Glucose Metabolism and Estrous Cycling in Female Mice (Seleccionado como Feature Article)
Fernandez MO, Hsueh K, Park HT, Sauceda C, Hwang V, Kumar D, Kim S, Rickert E, Mahata S, Webster NJG.
Journal of Molecular Histology
ERα and GnRH co-localize in the hypothalamic neurons of the South American plains vizcacha, Lagostomus maximus (Rodentia, Caviomorpha)
Inserra PI, Charif SE, Di Giorgio NP, Saucedo L, Schmidt AR, Fraunhoffer N, Halperin J, Gariboldi MC, Leopardo NP, Lux-Lantos V, Gonzalez CR, Vitullo AD, Dorfman VB.