Proteoglycan and Extracellular Matrix Chemistry
The laboratory is dedicated to two main lines of study: 1- breast and prostate cancer and, 2- human and murine reproduction. In the first, we are interested in knowing how the cellular environment that surrounds malignant cells is capable of modifying their behavior, taking into account that this environment is mainly composed of adipose tissue. This adipose tissue comes in two main variants: white and beige. The first is the classic adipose tissue that accumulates lipids and has an endocrine function. The second variant is fundamentally dedicated to energy function and seems to be the one that undergoes the most changes in the face of a tumor state. We are interested in seeing if there is a bidirectional regulation between both compartments of the mammary gland. Regarding prostate cancer, we are analyzing the various protein components of periprostatic adipose tissue (which surrounds the epithelium of the prostate) and the metabolic pathways that could be involved in differentiating a cancerous state from benign hyperplasia. Regarding the issue of reproduction, we are now focused on the role that moderate intake of ethanol in drinking water may have on the reproductive function of male mice and their offspring, both male and female. This has a direct transfer to clinical practice, fundamentally for clinics that receive patients with reproductive problems.
Research area laboratories
Dra. María Silvia Bianchi
Proteoglycan and Extracellular Matrix Chemistry
Dr. Juan Carlos Calvo
Hormonal Physiology and Pathology
Dra. Graciela Susana Diaz-Torga
Nuclear Receptors
Dr. Mario D. Galigniana
Nociception and Neuropathic Pain
Dra. Susana Laura González
Hormonal Carcinogenesis
Dra. Claudia Lanari
Testicular Physiology
Dra. María Eugenia Matzkin
Endometrial Pathophysiology
Dra. Gabriela Meresman
Studies of the Physiopathology of the Ovary
Dra. María Fernanda Parborell
Nuclear Architecture
Dra. Graciela Piwien Pilipuk
Hormonal regulation in Reproduction
Dra. Patricia Saragüeta
Tumor Immunology
Dra. Roxana Schillaci