Scientific Papers

  • 01/05/2020

    Revista Medicina

    Use of convalescent plasma for COVID-19 treatment. History and evidence

    Florencia McAllister, Adriana Mantegazza, Félix Garzón, Viviana Rotbaum, Graciela Remondino, Mónica Vazquez Larsson, Jorge Geffner, Gabriel A Rabinovich, Laura Bover

  • Journal of Cellular Physiology


    Journal of Cellular Physiology

    Compensatory endocytosis occurs after cortical granule exocytosis in mouse eggs

    Gómez-Elías MD, Fissore RA, Cuasnicú PS, Cohen DJ.

  • Gynecological endocrinology


    Gynecological endocrinology

    PI3K/AKT pathway is altered in the endometriosis patient’s endometrium and presents differences according to severity stage

    Madanes D, Bilotas MA, Bastón JI, Singla JJ, Meresman GF, Barañao RI, Ricci AG.

  • Clinical and experimental immunology


    Clinical and experimental immunology

    Role of inflammasome activation in tumor immunity triggered by immune checkpoint blockers

    Segovia M, Russo S, Girotti MR, Rabinovich GA, Hill M.

  • Food & function


    Food & function

    Potential Use of Ellagic Acid for Endometriosis Treatment: Its Effect on a Human Endometrial Cell Cycle, Adhesion and Migration

    B A Mc Cormack, M A Bilotas, D Madanes, A G Ricci, J J Singla, R I Barañao

  • Frontiers in Oncology


    Frontiers in Oncology

    Tumor Necrosis Factor ? Blockade: An Opportunity to Tackle Breast Cancer

    María Florencia Mercogliano, Sofía Bruni, Patricia V Elizalde, Roxana Schillaci

  • Cells



    Agonist Effects of Propranolol on Non-Tumor Human Breast Cells

    Gargiulo L, Rivero EM, di Siervi N, Buzzi ED, Buffone MG, Davio CA, Lüthy IA, Bruzzone A.

  • Journal of Cell Science



    Kinesin-1-mediated axonal transport of CB1 receptors is required for cannabinoid-dependent axonal growth and guidance

    Saez TM, Fernandez Bessone I, Rodriguez MS, Alloatti M, Otero MG, Cromberg LE, Pozo Devoto VM, Oubiña G, Sosa L, Buffone MG, Gelman DM, Falzone TL.

  • Sub-cellular biochemistry


    EJNMMI research

    Impaired brain glucose metabolism and presynaptic dopaminergic functioning in a mouse model of schizophrenia

    Tomasella E, Falasco G, Urrutia L, Bechelli L, Padilla L, Gelman DM.

  • Frontiers in Oncology


    Frontiers in neural circuits

    A Computational Theory for the Emergence of Grammatical Categories in Cortical Dynamics

    Dario Dematties, Silvio Rizzi, George K Thiruvathukal, Mauricio David Pérez, Alejandro Wainselboim, B Silvano Zanutto