Scientific Papers

  • Journal of Cellular Physiology


    Journal of Cellular Physiology

    PDGFB as a vascular normalization agent in an ovarian cancer model treated with a gamma-secretase inhibitor

    Pazos MC, Sequeira GR, Bocchicchio S, May M, Abramovich D, Parborell F, Tesone M, Irusta G.

  • Biology of reproduction


    Biology of reproduction

    Influence of the genetic background on the reproductive phenotype of mice lacking Cysteine-RIch Secretory Protein 1 (CRISP1)

    Weigel Muñoz M, Battistone AM, Carvajal G, Maldera JA, Curci L, Torres P, Lombardo D, Pignataro OP, Da Ros VG, Cuasnicu PS.

  • Reproduction



    Involvement of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) and its receptors in the regulation of mouse sperm physiology

    Saucedo L, Sobarzo C, Brukman N, Guidobaldi HA, Lustig L, Giojalas LC, Buffone MG, Vazquez-Levin MH, Marín-Briggiler C.

  • Brain research



    The Selective Glucocorticoid Receptor Modulator Cort 113176 Reduces Neurodegeneration and Neuroinflammation in Wobbler Mice Spinal Cord

    Meyer M, Lara A, Hunt H, Belanoff J, de Kloet ER, Gonzalez Deniselle MC, De Nicola AF.

  • Frontiers in Oncology


    Frontiers in cell and developmental biology

    Molecular Basis of Human Sperm Capacitation

    Puga Molina LC, Luque GM, Balestrini PA, Marín-Briggiler CI, Romarowski A, Buffone MG.

  • Nuclear receptor research


    Nuclear receptor research

    The Nuclear Receptor Field: A Historical Overview and Future Challenges

    26Mazaira GI, Zgajnar NR, Lotufo CM, Daneri-Becerra C, Sivils JC, Soto OB, Cox MB, Galigniana MD.

  • Aging (Albany NY)



    Comparative proteomics of soluble factors secreted by human breast adipose tissue from tumor and normal breast

    24Fletcher SJ, Hapon MB, Callegari EA, Crosbie ML, Santiso N, Ursino A, Amato AR, Gutiérrez A, Sacca PA, Dreszman R, Pérez A, Carón RW, Calvo JC, Pistone-Creydt V.

  • Journal of Endocrinology


    Endocrine related cancer

    Biological and clinical impact of imbalanced progesterone receptor isoform ratios in breast cancer

    Lamb CA, Fabris VT, Jacobsen B, Molinolo AA, Lanari C.

  • Fertility and Sterility


    Fertility and Sterility

    Impact of age, clinical conditions, and lifestyle on routine semen parameters and sperm kinematics

    Verón GL, Tissera AD, Bello R, Beltramone F, Estofan G, Molina RI, Vazquez-Levin MH.

  • Frontiers in Oncology


    Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology

    Sex differences in the pituitary TGFβ1 system: The role of TGFβ1 in prolactinoma development

    Victoria Recouvreux M, Faraoni EY, Camilletti MA, Ratner L, Abeledo-Machado A, Rulli S, Díaz-Torga G.