Scientific Papers

  • New Zeland Veterinary Journal


    New Zeland Veterinary Journal

    In situ provision of drinking water to grazing dairy cows improves milk production

    Miglierina MM, Bonadeo N, Ornstein AM, Becú-Villalobos D, Lacau-Mengido IM.

  • Sub-cellular biochemistry


    Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology

    Immune-Mediated and Hypoxia-Regulated Programs: Accomplices in Resistance to Anti-angiogenic Therapies

    Croci DO, Mendez-Huergo SP, Cerliani JP, Rabinovich GA.

  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta



    Perinatal Programming of the Orexinergic (Hypocretinergic) System in Hypothalamus and Anterior Pituitary by Testosterone

    Cataldi NI, Lux-Lantos VA, Libertun C.

  • Archives of Toxicology


    Archives of Toxicology

    Early response of glutathione- and thioredoxin-dependent antioxidant defense systems to Tl(I)- and Tl(III)-mediated oxidative stress in adherent pheochromocytoma (PC12adh) cells

    Puga Molina LC, Salvatierra Fréchou DM, Verstraeten SV.

  • 01/01/2018

    Human Mutation

    CYP21A2 mutation update: Comprehensive analysis of databases and published genetic variants

    Simonetti L, Bruque CD, Fernández CS, Benavides-Mori B, Delea M, Kolomenski JE, Espeche LD, Buzzalino ND, Nadra AD, Dain L.

  • Sub-cellular biochemistry


    Animal Cognition

    Duration of extinction trials as a determinant of instrumental extinction in terrestrial toads (Rhinella arenarum)

    Puddington MM, Papini MR, Muzio RN.

  • Methods in molecular biology


    Methods in molecular biology

    Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Axonal Cargo Transport

    Alloatti M, Bruno L, Falzone TL.

  • Journal of Cellular Physiology


    Journal of Cellular Physiology

    CSDC2, a cold shock domain RNA-binding protein in decidualization

    Vallejo G, Mestre-Citrinovitz AC, Winterhager E, Saragüeta PE.

  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta



    Hormonal therapeutic strategy on the induction of accessory corpora lutea in relation to follicle size and on the increase of progesterone in sheep

    Fernandez J, Bruno-Galarraga MM, Soto AT, de la Sota RL, Cueto MI, Lacau IM, Gibbons AE.

  • Reproductive biology and endocrinology


    BMC Cancer

    Invasive micropapillary carcinoma of the breast overexpresses MUC4 and is associated with poor outcome to adjuvant trastuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer

    Mercogliano MF, Inurrigarro G, De Martino M, Venturutti L, Rivas MA, Cordo-Russo R, Proietti CJ, Fernández EA, Frahm I, Barchuk S, Allemand DH, Figurelli S, Deza EG, Ares S, Gercovich FG, Cortese E, Amasino M, Guzmán P, Roa JC, Elizalde PV, Schillaci R.