Molecular and Functional Glycomics

Lab publications

  • Frontiers in Oncology


    Frontiers in Immunology

    Hypoxia Supports Differentiation of Terminally Exhausted CD8 T Cells

    Nadia Bannoud, Tomás Dalotto-Moreno, Lucía Kindgard, Pablo A García, Ada G Blidner, Karina V Mariño, Gabriel A Rabinovich, Diego O Croci

  • Sub-cellular biochemistry



    Characterization of a neutralizing anti-human galectin-1 monoclonal antibody with angioregulatory and immunomodulatory activities

    Juan M Pérez Sáez, Pablo F Hockl, Alejando J Cagnoni, Santiago P Méndez Huergo, Pablo A García, Sabrina G Gatto, Juan P Cerliani, Diego O Croci, Gabriel A Rabinovich

  • Acta crystallographica. Section D


    Acta crystallographica. Section D, Structural biology

    Crystal structures of peanut lectin in the presence of synthetic ?-N- and ?-S-galactosides disclose evidence for the recognition of different glycomimetic ligands

    Alejandro J Cagnoni, Emiliano D Primo, Sebastián Klinke, María E Cano, Walter Giordano, Karina V Mariño, José Kovensky, Fernando A Goldbaum, María Laura Uhrig, Lisandro H Otero

  • Food & function


    Organic & biomolecular chemistry

    Synthesis of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylallosamine resorcinarene-based multivalent ?-thio-glycoclusters: unexpected affinity of N-acetylallosamine ligands towards Wheat Germ Agglutinin

    Alejandro E Cristófalo, Alejandro J Cagnoni, María Laura Uhrig

  • Biochemical Journal


    Biochemical Society Transactions

    Full-length galectin-8 and Separate Carbohydrate Recognition Domains: The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts?

    Alejandro J Cagnoni, María F Troncoso, Gabriel A Rabinovich, Karina V Mariño, María T Elola

  • Frontiers in Oncology


    Frontiers in Chemistry

    Editorial: Addressing Roles for Glycans in Immunology Using Chemical Biology

    Matthew S Macauley, Christoph Rademacher, Karina V Mariño

  • Journal of leukocyte biology


    FASEB Journal

    An adipose tissue galectin controls endothelial cell function via preferential recognition of 3-fucosylated glycans

    Maller SM, Cagnoni AJ, Bannoud N, Sigaut L, Pérez Sáez JM, Pietrasanta LI, Yang RY, Liu FT, Croci DO, Di Lella S, Sundblad V, Rabinovich GA, Mariño KV.

  • 01/11/2019

    Molecular and cellular proteomics MCP

    Immunoglobulin A N-glycosylation presents important body fluid-specific variations in lactating mothers

    Goonatilleke E, Smilowitz JT, Mariño KV, German JB, Lebrilla C, Barboza M.

  • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta


    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta

    Dual knockdown of Galectin-8 and its glycosylated ligand, the activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM/CD166), synergistically delays in vivo breast cancer growth

    Ferragut F, Cagnoni AJ, Colombo LL, Sánchez Terrero C, Wolfenstein-Todel C, Troncoso MF, Vanzulli SI, Rabinovich GA, Mariño KV, Elola MT.

  • Sub-cellular biochemistry


    Applied microbiology and biotechnology

    Exploring lectin-like activity of the S-layer protein of Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356

    Fina Martin J, Palomino MM, Cutine AM, Modenutti CP, Fernández Do Porto DA, Allievi MC, Zanini SH, Mariño KV, Barquero AA, Ruzal SM.