
IBYME hosts weekly seminars where our research groups and national and international experts present the results of their researches. These events are really important to IBYME because they allow the researchers to have access to updated information in different subjects, and they encourage the collaboration between different research groups.

Every other year, IBYME seminars are part of the postgraduate course “Seminarios de Fisiología y Bioquímica Endócrina”, with the participation of IBYME researchers.

Seminars are held every wednesday at 11.30hs. You can contact us for more information about the start date. The seminars are open to the public.

Contact: Patricia Cuasnicu

  • 6/4/2022

    Modulación post transcriptional de la proteína asociada a microtúbulos tau: consecuencias funcional

    Modulación  post transcriptional de la proteína asociada a microtúbulos tau: consecuencias funcionales y perspectivas terapéuticas para las demencias
    A cargo de la Dra Maria Elena Avena (INGEBI-CONICET).

  • 31/3/2022

    Agencia I+D+i: Trayectoria y futuro de la promoción de la ciencia y la tecnología

    A cargo del Dr Fernando Peirano, Presidente de la Agencia de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica.
    Jueves 31 de Marzo a las 11.30.